Competitions Regulations & Protocols

1. Ivy League Competitions Committee (ILRCC) Purpose & Responsibilities

ILRCC oversees all aspects of the match experience in the Ivy League Rugby Championship Series. It reports to the Ivy League Rugby member teams and governing body.

2. Ivy League Rugby (ILR) Code of Conduct

ILR expects all of its teams and their members to abide by the following code of conduct: Rugby players and team officials represent themselves, their team, their university, the ILR, the Northeast Rugby Union and the United States Rugby Union. Each Rugby Player, Coach, Referee, Team Official, and Fan is expected to be a lady or gentleman, both on and off the pitch Rugby players and team officials shall not exhibit, nor tolerate actions or behavior that would adversely affect the image of yourself, your Team, Ivy League Rugby, the NRU, USA Rugby, or the Game.

3. General Requirements

To be a member in good standing with ILR, every team must be compliant with the following items.

a. All Ivy League Rugby Teams must pay all ILR dues as billed by the ILR Treasurer and set by the ILR Finance Committee. Teams that have not paid their dues will not be afforded ILR membership rights until all dues are current, as certified by the ILR Treasurer. Dues will be prepared and sent in August and payment must be received or an arrangement must be made no later then September

1. b. All member teams must also pay all their local union dues as billed by their local union Treasurer (NERFU, Met NY, NY State & EPRU). c. All member teams must be in good standing with USA Rugby. All team, player, and coach CIPP registration must be up to date for the current season.