2013 Ivy Rugby Contacts
2013 Ivy Rugby Committees and Executive Positions
updated June 18, 2013
Disciplinary Committee
Chairman: Jay Fluck, Brown jay [dot] fluckcbre-ne [dot] com (subject: Ivy%20League%20Rugby)
Referees Director: Jan Pikul, Yalejanpikulhotmail [dot] com (subject: Ivy%20League%20Rugby) ( )
Other members:
JoJo Bucci, Cornell jojobucciyahoo [dot] com
Catherine Forbes, Cornell Cmf229cornell [dot] edu
Disciplinary Committee Mission
The Committee is charged with the task of adjudicating disputes between teams or referee decisions rendered during Ivy Conference Rugby matches that could cause a player, players or a team that has been charged with a violation of the Laws or the spirit of Rugby Football to lose its right to compete. Committee decisions will be dealt with in a timely manner after a fair review of all of the relevant facts while avoiding conflicts of interest.
Marketing, Sponsorship, and Promotions
Chairman: Nathan Gallow, Yale nlgallowgmail [dot] com (subject: Ivy%20Rugby%20Marketing)
Other members:
Richard Lopacki, Princeton RLopackiits [dot] jnj [dot] com
Shannon Walsh, Cornell Skw53cornell [dot] edu
From the 2013 AGM: The MSP Committee shall develop a mission statement for the MSP Committee and present it to the Board for the Board's approval. Such mission statement shall outline a marketing and promotions plan for IRC.
Competitions Committee
Co-Chairs: Richard Lopacki, Princeton (Men) RLopackiits [dot] jnj [dot] com
Debra Archambault (Women) Deb [dot] archambaultdartmouth [dot] edu
Men's Committee:
Alex Magleby, Dartmouth amagdartmouth [dot] edu
David LaFlamme, Brown sdlaflammecox [dot] net (subject: Ivy%20Rugby%20Conference)
Dan Kennedy, Columbia dk2722columbia [dot] edu
Women's Committee:
Sue Parker, Harvard suzanneparkerfas [dot] harvard [dot] edu
Chris Ryan, Princeton chrisryanmasonry [dot] com
From the 2013 AGM: The Competition's Committee shall operate as two sub-committees (Men and Women) and shall coordinate internally as necessary and desirable.
Select Side Committee
Men's Committee:
Gavin Hickie, Dartmouth Gavin [dot] Hickiedartmouth [dot] edu
Omar Foda, Penn Ofodasas [dot] upenn [dot] edu
Rick Baker, Princeton rbakerprinceton [dot] edu
Women's Committee:
Bryan Hamlin, Harvard Kiwicoach15gmail [dot] com
Jodie Van Ogtrop, Columbia jvanogtropgmail [dot] com
Debra Archambault, Dartmouth Deb [dot] archambaultdartmouth [dot] edu
From the 2013 AGM: The Select Side Committee shall operate as two sub-committees (Men and Women) and shall coordinate internally as necessary and desirable. Additionally, the Select Side Committee shall investigate opportunities for putting together a select side to compete against similar teams. Select Side Committee shall select players to join the Select Side regardless of whether such games are played.
Finance Committee
Chairman: Christopher Losak, Cornell Christopher [dot] Losakgmail [dot] com
Treasurer: Joann A. Brislin, Dartmouth Joann [dot] A [dot] BrislinDartmouth [dot] EDU (subject: Ivy%20Rugby%20Conference)
Safety Committee
From the 2013 AGM: A Safety Committee shall be established following the procurement of insurance. The Board of Directors shall by simple majority select individuals to serve on the Safety Committee, and such individuals need not be Directors.The Safety Committee shall prepare and present to the Board, for the Board's approval,a mission statement for the Safety Committee, detailing its duties and powers.
Executive Committee
President: Stephen Siano sianoivyrugby [dot] com (subject: Ivy%20League%20Rugby)
Treasurer: Joann A. Brislin, Dartmouth Joann [dot] A [dot] BrislinDartmouth [dot] EDU (subject: Ivy%20Rugby%20Conference)
Secretary: JoJo Bucci, Cornell, beccagobeillegmail [dot] com
Men's Match Secretary: Richard Lopacki, Princeton rlopackiits [dot] jnj [dot] com
Women's Match Secretary: Debra Archambault, Dartmouth Deb [dot] archambaultdartmouth [dot] edu
General Counsel: Andy Margolis, Penn ruggermargolisrealty [dot] com
updated Sept 19, 2013
Ivy Rugby Women's Head Coaches
Kathy Flores, Brown University, kathleen_floresbrown [dot] edu
Jodie van Ogtrop, Columbia University, jvanogtropgmail [dot] com (subject: Columbia%20Women%20Head%20Coach%2C%20Ivy%20Rugby)
Eloise Cucui, Cornell University, evc27cornell [dot] edu
Lee Fleisher, Cornell University, laf79cornell [dot] com
Deb Archambault, Dartmouth College, deb [dot] archambaultdartmouth [dot] edu
Suzanne Parker, Harvard University, suzanneparkerfas [dot] harvard [dot] edu
Emily Record, University of Pennsylvania, erecordgmail [dot] com
Chris Ryan, Princeton University, chrisryanmasonry [dot] com
Nathan Gallow, Yale University, nlgallowgmail [dot] com
Ivy Rugby Men's Head Coaches
David LaFlamme, Brown University, sdlaflammecox [dot] net (subject: Ivy%20Rugby%20Conference)
Daniel Kennedy, Columbia University, dk2722columbia [dot] edu
Paule Barford, Cornell University, paulebarfordcornellrugby [dot] com
Gavin Hickie, Dartmouth College, Gavin [dot] Hickiedartmouth [dot] edu
David Gonzales, Harvard University, twinlightsdgverizon [dot] net
Richard Lopack, Princeton University, RLopackiits [dot] jnj [dot] com
Omar Foda, University of Pennsylvania, ofodasas [dot] upenn [dot] edu (subject: Ivy%20Rugby%2FPenn%20Men's%20Coach)
Jan Pikul, Yale University, janpikulhotmail [dot] com (subject: Ivy%20League%20Rugby) ( )
Brown University Women
Ivy Director: Kathy Flores, kathleen_floresbrown [dot] edu
Head Coach: Kathy Flores, kathleen_floresbrown [dot] edu
Director of Communication: Lorin Smith, lorin [dot] smithbrown [dot] edu
Match Secretary: Elena Suglia, elenasugliayahoo [dot] com>">elenasuglia
yahoo [dot] com
Social Media Chair: Ebony McCaskill, ebony_mccaskillbrown [dot] edu
Brown University Men
Ivy Director: Jay Fluck, jay [dot] fluckcbre-ne [dot] com
Head Coach: David LaFlamme, sdlaflammecox [dot] net (subject: Ivy%20Rugby%20Conference)
Director of Communication: Jay Fluck, jay [dot] fluckcbre-ne [dot] com
Match Secretary: Colin Schofield, colin_schofieldbrown [dot] edu
Columbia University Women
Ivy Director: Jodie Van Ogtrop, jvanogtropgmail [dot] com
Head Coach: Jodie Van Ogtrop, jvanogtropgmail [dot] com
Director of Communication: Alexandra Qiuyi Pan, aqp2000columbia [dot] edu
Match Secretary: Kira Ullman, khu2002columbia [dot] edu
Columbia University Men
Ivy Director: Daniel Kennedy, conor [dot] russomannogmail [dot] com
Head Coach: Daniel Kennedy, dk2722columbia [dot] edu
Assistant Coach: Zack Lane, zl2114columbia [dot] edu
Director of Communication (PR and Recruitment): Justin D'Agostino, dag [dot] justingmail [dot] com
Match Secretary: Gabriel Pestre, gpestregmail [dot] com
President: Danny Martinez, dam2189columbia [dot] edu
Treasurer: Felix Schadeck, felix [dot] schadeckgmail [dot] com
Social Chair: Will Haining, awh2120columbia [dot] edu
Cornell University Women
Ivy Director: Milli Luciano, luciano [dot] ameliagmail [dot] com
Coach: Shannon Walsh, skw53cornell [dot] edu
Coach: Lee Fleisher, laf79cornell [dot] edu
Director of Communication: Shannon Walsh, skw53cornell [dot] edu
Match Secretary: Lee Fleisher, lee4768romgmail [dot] com
Cornell University Men
Ivy Director: JoJo Bucci, jojobucciyahoo [dot] com
Head Coach: Paule Barford, paulebarfordcornellrugby [dot] com
Director of Communication: Leopoldo Pena ldp49cornell [dot] edu
Match Secretary: Leopoldo Pena ldp49cornell [dot] edu
Dartmouth College Women
Ivy Director: Deb Archambault, deb [dot] archambaultdartmouth [dot] edu
Head Coach: Deb Archambault, deb [dot] archambaultdartmouth [dot] edu
President: Allison R. Brouckman, Allison [dot] R [dot] Brouckman [dot] 15dartmouth [dot] edu>">Allison [dot] R [dot] Brouckman [dot] 15
dartmouth [dot] edu
Director of Communication: Diana Wise, Pallavi [dot] S [dot] Kuppa-Apte [dot] 14dartmouth [dot] edu
Match Secretary: Michaela Conway, Michaela [dot] K [dot] Conway [dot] 15dartmouth [dot] edu (Michaela.K.Conway.15)Allison [dot] R [dot] Brouckman [dot] 15
dartmouth [dot] edu>">@dartmouth.edu
Dartmouth College Men
Ivy Director: Alex Magleby, amagdartmouth [dot] edu
Head Coach: Gavin Hickie, Gavin [dot] Hickiedartmouth [dot] edu
Director of Communication: Jake Levine, jacob [dot] s [dot] levine [dot] 15dartmouth [dot] edu
Match Secretary: Peter Savarese, Peter [dot] A [dot] Savarese [dot] 15dartmouth [dot] edu
Harvard University Women
Ivy Director: Suzanne Parker, suzanneparkerfas [dot] harvard [dot] edu
Head Coach: Suzanne Parker, suzanneparkerfas [dot] harvard [dot] edu
Director of Communication: ______________________
Match Secretary: __________________________
Harvard University Men
Ivy Director: David Gonzales, twinlightsdgverizon [dot] net
Head Coach: David Gonzales, twinlightsdgverizon [dot] net
Director of Communication / General Secretary: Michael Abatemarco, abatemarcomikegmail [dot] com
Match Secretary: Zach Berger, zbergercollege [dot] harvard [dot] edu
University of Pennsylvania Women
Ivy Director/Head Coach: Emily Record, erecordgmail [dot] com
President: Becky Williams, becky [dot] rlwgmail [dot] com
Director of Communication: Laura Schad, laurschadgmail [dot] com
Match Secretary: Lucy Dawson, becky [dot] rlwgmail [dot] com
University of Pennsylvania Men
Ivy Director: Andy Margolis, ruggermargolisrealty [dot] com
Head Coach: Omar Foda, ofodasas [dot] upenn [dot] edu (subject: Ivy%20Rugby%2FPenn%20Men's%20Coach)
Director of Communication: Christian Collins, christian [dot] collins11gmail [dot] com
Match Secretary: Billy Barron, barronb10gmail [dot] com
Alumni President: Jim Saksa, JamesSaksaalumni [dot] upenn [dot] edu
Princeton Women
Ivy Director: Chris Ryan, chrisryanmasonry [dot] com
Head Coach: Chris Ryan, chrisryanmasonry [dot] com
Director of Communication: Kristy Giandomenico, kgiandomprinceton [dot] edu
Match Secretary: Dorothy Mittow, dmittowprinceton [dot] edu>">dmittow
princeton [dot] edu
Princeton Men
Ivy Director: Richard Lopacki, RLopackiits [dot] jnj [dot] com
Head Coach: Richard Lopacki, RLopackiits [dot] jnj [dot] com
Director of Communication: Colin Sylvester, csylvestprinceton [dot] edu
Match Secretary: William Hicks, wchicksprinceton [dot] edu
Yale Women
Ivy Director: Nathan Gallow, nlgallowgmail [dot] com
Head Coach: Nathan Gallow, nlgallowgmail [dot] com
Director of Communication: Becky Connelly, rebecca [dot] connellyyale [dot] edu
Match Secretary: Katie Chockley, katherine [dot] chockleyyale [dot] edu
Yale Men
Ivy Director: Jan Pikul, janpikulhotmail [dot] com
Head Coach: Jan Pikul, janpikulhotmail [dot] com
Director of Communication: __________________________
Match Secretary: Connor Wiik, connor [dot] wiikyale [dot] edu
Updated September 19, 2013.