L to R: (back) W.K. Hewson, F.M. Dick, S. Jamison, L.C. Brastow, W.M. Stewart, J.S. Eliott (capt.), G.C. Thayer, G.W. Hunt (umpire), G.T. Hazelhurst, H.H. Lee; (front) W.T. Robinson, J.T. Bailey, E.A. White, W.H. Drayton, A.M. Hance, R.L. Hart
The first football teams on Penn's campus were class teams, but these teams developed later than did the teams in cricket, baseball and rowing. The first student publication to mention football at Penn was the 1872 yearbook. The brief description of football contests between Penn classes in the fall of 1871 includes the comment that football had existed at the College before then, but not for a while. The next mention of football, in the 1874 yearbook, describes football contests between classes at the 1873 fall athletic games sponsored by the new University Athletic Association. Then there is another gap before the inclusion in the 1876 yearbook of the members of the “Foot-ball Twenties” from the classes of 1877 and 1878.
SEE: Penn Football: Origins to 1901The Beginnings: 1876-1882