Harvard Wins Close Match at Brown


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Saturday, September 21, 2013

A solid defensive performance by man of the match Ethan Winchell and a late-game try by John Jeffers locked up an impressive Harvard comeback victory on the road over host Brown. The Crimson were able to overcome a first half in which Brown dominated possession by playing outstanding defense and consistently taking advantage of their opponents' miscues.

With Harvard in possession on Brown’s 10 meter line, sloppy ball allowed Brown’s Kavin Nunez to ruck over the Harvard ball.  Kavin’s lock partner John Hilgart quickly moved the ball away to flanker Ryan Jones.  Jones then hit winger Nick Keeling.  Nick beat the first three defenders then stepped the winger.  Still 40 meters from the goal line, Keeling then beat three more defenders to score in the far left of the try zone.  The try was not converted. 

Brown’s next score came 10 minutes later from an off-side’s advantage on the 22 meter line.  With the ball on the left side of the field, Leonard hit Schofield who then off-loaded to Koelliker.  With good angles and hard running, Koelliker sliced through 3 defenders.  Once the winger bit down, it was all over as senior Ryan Jones was in support outside.  The Harvard defense scrambled to no avail.  Jones scored on the right side of the try zone.  The try was not converted. 

Five minutes later Harvard was penalized, and fullback Scott Fielding drilled a penalty kick to put Brown up 13-0 with little time remaining in the half. 

Harvard’s resolve saw them rewarded as Brown knocked the ball on at the 39th minute.  It only took 10 seconds for Harvard to undo Brown’s hard first half work.  Harvard’s #8 picked up the ball from the base of a scrum.  With some quick feet, he beat the Brown flanker and muscled past the 10 for the score.  The try was converted and the half ended on a sour note for the home team.

The second half was Brown’s real undoing as Harvard worked their way back with converted scores at the 45th and 70th minute.  Harvard clearly elevated their game over these 25 minutes of play. Brown showed moments of fight, however, it was Harvard that was the more threatening team. 

A Harvard penalty and Fielding’s toe gave Brown 3 points and left the Bears down 21-16 with 6 minutes of play remaining. Harvard scored a converted try two minutes later to put the match almost out of reach, but a series of rucks at the 78th minute eventually saw Koelliker picking up and driving over for a score. 

Brown, down 7 points with no time remaining, launched one last ditch effort to even the score.  Brown never let Harvard regain possession. Phase after phase saw the Bears work the ball down the field.  Harvard continually was penalized at the breakdown.  The last few seconds saw Brown 15 meters out from Harvard’s goal line but a Brown knock-on ended any chance of a draw.

Upcoming Matches for Both Teams

  • Harvard will play Yale at Home on September 28, 10:00am
  • Brown will play Dartmouth on the Road on September 28, 1:00pm