2011 Brown University Rugby Team Officers Selected

Travers v. Columbia Fall 2010

At the fall team dinner on Tuesday evening, November 16, the team was rewarded with a Brown Refectory catered dinner. The purpose of the evening was to review the fall season, select the Class of 1991 Award winners and elect the new officers for 2011. Winter weight training has already begun and plans are underway for the spring schedule.

Coach Dave Laflamme wrapped up the fall season giving credit where it was due and thanking his coaching staff for their efforts. In all we had a terrific crew of coaches with Tyler Dixon, Danny Saccoccio, and George Pratt assisting Dave. Late season volunteers John McGeachy and Oliver Julyan brought their own special skills to enrich the players’ training.

Class of 1991 Awards

The players voted for the recipients of the Class of 1991 Award. The First XV winner is Andrew Alvarez’11(link is external) and the Second XV winner is David Dean’11. Engraved medals will be presented to the winners at the annual Commencement Rugby Match.

The hightlight of the evening is always the selection of new officers. Graduating seniors met the night before and chose the following officers for calendar 2011.

2011 Brown University Rugby Team Officers

Co-Captains: Dan Levine-Spound’12 and Dow Travers’12
Treasurer: Zach Long’13
Match Secretary: Mike Donnell’12
Social Chair: Taylor Peak’12 and James McGinn’12
Publicity: Martin Bell’11.5
Officer at Large: Zahid Jethani’13
Recruiting Chairs: Matt Leonard’14 and Sam Plotner’14
Field and Equipment: Ryan Jones”14 and Daniel Tonderys’14