Peyton Bell Released from the Hospital


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Peyton Bell Columbia Rugby

A recently sensationalized story in the NY Post listed our own Peyton Bell as "left for dead." The situation couldn't be further from the truth, though Peyton is in very serious condition.

10:00pm Thursday December 15th

"Peyton was actually released from the hospital yesterday and will be in New York for a couple more days before going home to Seattle. He's doing a lot better."
Josh Tobin, Columbia Rugby President

10:00pm Wednesday December 14th

"I visited Peyton in the hospital today, and luckily he was awake for about 15 minutes while I was there. Although he was a bit confused and his memory is somewhat off, he is himself. His mother asked me to relay the message that although the recovery process is going to be a bit slow, he is expected to make a full recovery, and they expect him to be back next semester. Peyton miraculously did not receive any injuries to his body, and only has a couple of puncture wounds on his face. The biggest issue now is that his brain has some blood in it, and although the bleeding has stabilized, it is making him very sleepy and confused. Now, the only thing we can do is wait for his brain to reabsorb the blood. Peyton is a man of steel and I know he will be out of the hospital very soon.

I know you guys are all eager to see him, but we have to give his parents a bit of space so that they can deal with doctors, Columbia , etc.  If you really want to see him, shoot me a call or a text and I'll ask his mother is he's awake/if it's a good time. Only a couple of you guys should go at a time because they only allow a few visitors at a time."

Peyton's Roommate Leo

8:00pm Monday December 12th

"Quick update. Peyton has come to today. He's somewhat disoriented and confused but did remember that the Seahawks are playing tonight. This is good news," reported Hayden James, Columbia's Head Rugby Coach. "If any of you saw the BWOG headline that he was discharged, that's false. He's been moved to a different hospital. He's no longer at St. Luke's but hasn't yet been discharged. We'll have more information on visitation as soon as it becomes available. Keep Peyton in your thoughts and prayers, and be safe."

10:00am Monday December 12th

"I'm told that Peyton's condition is stable and improving," said Hayden James. "His parents are in town now from Seattle. There was serious trauma to his head and brain from the accident, but Peyton is responsive when woken and his spine is unhurt."

Peyton Bell Hit Exiting a Cab in NYC

Sources said Peyton had just exited a cab and was crossing Broadway when he was hit by a gray Mercedes-Benz that didn't stop. He was then rushed to St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center and first listed in critical condition.

Peyton, a Columbia University Rugby player and an economics and philosophy major, suffered head and body injuries when he was struck around 1:20 a.m. while crossing Broadway at 106th Street. Evidently Peyton was the second victim in a month to be hit by a car at this intersection. An Italian jazz singer was killed last month, when she was hit by an SUV after exiting a cab.

Payton Bell, 20, is a Columbia junior, earned All-Ivy honorable mention last fall and recently competed in the Ivy Rugby H2H competition.

"He’s a good kid and one of my best players," said Hayden James.

Believe in the power of family, love and prayer. Please take a moment for Peyton Bell, a member of our Ivy Rugby family.

Read Peyton's Ivy Rugby Profile »