Help bring the Brown Women's Rugby team to Nationals


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Help bring the Brown Women's Rugby team to Nationals

Help 24 Brown Ruggers afford a ticket to Nationals. The #2 team in the nation needs your support now! Watch the video and click through to support the team. Brown Women are looking for a little help to fund their trip to Stanford for the Final Four of Women's Rugby.

Who We Are

We are a group of student athletes who love and play the game of Rugby. Most players on the team had never heard of or played rugby before coming to Brown, yet we have been able to establish a thriving program. The team is currently ranked #2 in the nation and holds the top seed going into the D1 national championship. Our season has been a very successful one so far, winning our 6th consecutive undefeated Ivy Championship and a very competitive Northeast Championship.

What We Need & What You Get

As a club sport, we receive limited funding from the university and our coaches go unpaid. We are expected to raise the bulk of our annual budget and fund our way to nationals. Donated funds will go directly to airfare, lodging, and ground transportation. We estimate that in order bring a full roster of 24 players and coaches to the championship, we will need to raise about $35,000. Please help support our cause. If you can only give $20, or $10, or even $1 it will truly make a difference. A little goes a long way, and every cent will be greatly appreciated. 

Contribute to Brown Women's Rugby fundraising campaign »

The Impact

Rugby at this level is not a causal undertaking, we train five days a week and play most weekends. We have put in a lot of sweat, effort and long hours into being excellent rugby players. We have worked hard to fight for a spot in the national championship and only want to have a fair shot at winning the title.

However, because we are expected to fundraise for our trip to nationals, we are extremely dependent upon the support and help of the greater community.We are asking our professors, our family members, teachers, our friends, the friends of our friends, and yes YOU to help with our cause. You can indeed make an impact.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can’t contribute to the cause, please help by getting the word out. Post this on your facebook, youtube and twitter accounts. Send this to friends, coworkers, or someone you know who can help or support us. 

We are extremely grateful and appreciative of any effort and support for our cause. 

For More Information

Please visit the Brown Women's Rugby website:

Brown Women bios of the players/coaches and alumni »