Cornell Women Weekend Warriors Over Yale


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cornell gained it's first division victory this weekend over the Yale Women with a score of 60-12. 

With the help of a new head coach, the Cornell Women pulled out great work on offense and defense.  Yale capitalized on an opportunity for a try within the opening minutes of the game, and Cornell came firing right back with two tries from outside center Ashley Benson '13, who also kicked all of Cornell's conversions.  Yale's team put up a lot of strong offensive play and resistance in the rucks. After another Cornell try, scored by scrumhalf Molly Hulbert '13, Yale responded with another try of their own. 

The rest of the match was characterized by a great show of skill by Cornell, coming out with excellent runs, strong scrums, and great passing from both forwards and backs.  Despite 2 yellow cards for high tackling near the tail end of the game, Cornell stayed strong and adjusted well. Cornell's rookie starters, Haley Conover and Bekah Fay, proved themselves to be integral parts of Cornell's play with excellent runs and tackles. Overall, Yale put up a strong side but in the end Cornell came out on top.


Cornell Tries: Ashley Benson '13 (2), Shannon Walsh '14 (2), Molly Hulbert '13 (2), Lee Fleisher '14 (1), Elena Cuadros '15 (1), Hemavattie Ramtahal '13 (1), Bethany Potter '13 (1),
Cornell Conversions: Ashley Benson '13 (5)